Legal Notice
Duties to provide information pursuant to § 2 Paragraph 1 of the Ordinance on Service Providers’ Duty to Inform (DL-InfoV), Federal Law Gazette, BGBl., of 17 March 2010, No. 11, p.267, and in accordance with § 5 of the of the German Telemedia Services Act (TMG)
This Legal Notice further applies to our presences on www.LinkedIn.com and www.xing.com.
Martini · Mogg · Vogt
Lawyers · Public Auditors · Tax Consultants
Partnership with limited professional liability
Contact details
Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Straße 28
D-56073 Koblenz
Telephone +49 261 - 88 44 66
Fax +49 261 - 800 801
Legal form, registry
Martini Mogg Vogt is a partnership firm with limited professional liability as defined by the German Partnership Act (PartGmbB) and is listed in the Partnership Registry of Koblenz District Court under the registration number PR 20013.
The Managing Partners, each of whom has sole power of representation, are Counsel Dr. Ottmar Martini, Johannes Mogg, Arno Gerlach, Dr. Thomas Brübach, Dr. Heike Thomas-Blex, Georg Moesta, Dr. Arne Löser, Rudolf Krechel, Dr. Andreas Dazert, Jochen Eberhard and Martin Schumm.
Professional designation, relevant chambers and supervisory authorities
The members of the partnership firm, which is listed in the Partnership Registry of Koblenz District Court under the registration number PR 20013, belong to the chambers described below as “supervisory authorities”. The members who hold two professional titles (Drs. Martini, Vogt, Brübach, Eberhard) belong to two chambers respectively.
The lawyers at the firm are licensed to practice in accordance with the law of the Federal Republic of Germany and, insofar as nothing to the contrary is stated below, are members of the Regional Bar of Koblenz District Higher Regional Court, Rheinstraße 24, 56068 Koblenz, telephone 0261/30335-0; fax: 0261/30335-22 and 0261/30335-66, e-mail: info(at)rakko.de; www.rakko.de; German Federal Bar, an entity under public law, Littenstraße 9, 10179 Berlin, telephone: 030/284939-0, fax: 030/284939-11; e-mail: zentrale(at)brak.de; www.brak.de.
Jochen Eberhard, Martin Schumm, Georg Brenner, Carola de Decker and Dr. Michael Faber are members of the Regional Bar of Cologne District Higher Regional Court, an entity under public law, Riehler Straße 30, 50668 Cologne. Telephone 0221/97 30 10-0, fax 0221/97 30 10-50 (or -55), e-mail: kontakt@rak-koeln.de, www.rak-koeln.de.
Dr. Hans Vogt and Dr. Thomas Brübach are licensed to practice as Tax Consultants in accordance with the law of the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the Rhineland Palatinate Chamber of Tax Consultants, an entity under public law, Hölderlinstraße 8, 55131 Mainz, telephone: 06131/95210-0; fax: 06131/95210-40; e-mail: info(at)sbk-rlp.de; www.sbk-rlp.de. Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG), Implementation Ordinance (DVStB), Tax Consultant Fee Ordinance (StBVV), Professional Code of Conduct of the German Chamber of Tax Consultants (BOStB).
Jochen Eberhard is licensed to practice as a Tax Consultant in accordance with the law of the Federal Republic of Germany and is a member of the Cologne Chamber of Tax Consultants, an entity under public law, Gereonstraße 34-36, 50670 Cologne, telephone: 0221/33643-0; fax: 0221/33643-43; e-mail: mail(at)stbk-koeln.de; www.stbk-koeln.de. Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG), Implementation Ordinance (DVStB), Tax Consultant Fee Ordinance (StBVV), Professional Code of Conduct of the German Chamber of Tax Consultants (BOStB)
Counsel Dr. Ottmar Martini is licensed to practise as a Public Auditor in accordance with the law of the Federal Republic of Germany and is a member of the Chamber of Public Auditors, Headquarters for the States of Hessen, Rhineland Palatinate, Saarland and Thuringia, Sternstraße 8, 60318 Frankfurt am Main, telephone: 069/3650626-30; fax: 069/3650626-32; e-mail: lgs-frankfurt(at)web.wpk.de; www.wpk.de/ueber/landesgeschaeftsstellen-frankfurt.asp; www.wpk.de
VAT number (§ 27a German Value Added Tax Act, UStG)
VAT No. DE 153431616
Professional liability insurance
Professional liability insurance has been concluded with ERGO Versicherung AG, Victoriaplatz 1, 40198 Düsseldorf.
The territorial scope of application of the insurance cover encompasses activities in Europe and thus meets the minimum requirements set out in the provisions pursuant to § 51 of the Federal Lawyers’ Act (BRAO).
Professional regulations
The following professional regulations apply to lawyers at the firm.
Federal Lawyers’ Act (BRAO)
Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers (BORA)
Rules and Regulations for Specialist Lawyers (FAO)
Lawyers’ Fees Act (RVG)
Professional Regulations of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of the European Union (CCBE)
The professional regulations may be viewed and downloaded in German and English via the “Professional Law” section of the website of the German Federal Bar (http://www.brak.de).
The following professional regulations apply to tax consultants at the firm.
Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG)
Implementation Ordinance for the Tax Consultancy Act (DVStB)
Professional Code of Conduct of the German Chamber of Tax Consultants (BOStB)
Tax Consultant Fee Ordinance (StBVV)
The professional regulations for tax consultants at the firm may be viewed and downloaded in German via the “TAX CONSULTANTS/Professional Law” section of the website of the German Chamber of Tax Consultants (http://www.sbk-rlp.de/).
The following professional regulations apply to public auditors at the firm.
German Public Auditors’ Code (WiPrO)
Ordinance for the Scrutiny of Public Auditors (WiPrPrüfV)
Professional Charter for Public Auditors/Sworn Auditors (BS WP/vBP)
Charter for Quality Assurance
Professional Liability Insurance Ordinance for Public Auditors (WPBHV)
These professional regulations may be viewed and downloaded in German via the “Legal Regulations” section of the website of the Chamber of Public Auditors (www.wpk.de).
Responsible for content pursuant to § 55 Paragraph 2 of the German Inter-State Broadcasting and Telemedia Treaty (RStV) (responsible within the meaning the law governing the press):
Daniela Funke
Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Straße 28, 56073 Koblenz
Tel: 0261/88446-46
e-mail: d.funke@mmv-recht.de
Multidisciplinary activities/professional communities
The partners stated have entered into a consortium in the form of a partnership for the purpose of exercising their professions on a permanent basis.
The firm also maintains a cooperation agreement with Kanzlei König Rechtsanwälte, Kalenfelsstraße 5 a, 54290 Trier.
Professional regulations prohibit lawyers from representing conflicting interests (§ 43 Paragraph 4 Federal Lawyers’ Act, BRAO). For this reason, scrutiny always takes place as to whether any conflicting interest exists before an assignment is accepted.
Extrajudicial settlement of disputes
In the event of disputes between lawyers and their clients, an application may be made for extrajudicial mediation by the Regional Bar of Koblenz District Higher Regional Court (in accordance with § 73 Paragraph 2 Clause 3 BRAO in conjunction with § 73 Paragraph 5 BRAO) or by the Arbitration Board of the Legal Profession (§ 191 f BRAO) based at the German Federal Bar. Information may be found online or via the homepage of the German Federal Bar (www.brak.de; e-mail: schlichtungsstelle(at)brak.de).
We do not participate in the system for the alternative mediation of disputes pursuant to EU Regulation No. 524/2013, and we do not take part in the consumer arbitration proceedings that are governed by the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG). Neither is there any statutory requirement for us to do so.
Online dispute resolution in accordance with Article 14 Paragraph 1 of the Online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (EU Regulation No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council):
The European Commission provides a platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODS). This may be accessed at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
Data privacy
Our Privacy Policy can be found in the footer to our homepage.
Data protection officer: Thomas Haschert Mag. iur.,
Datenschutz(at)mmv-recht.de, tel. +49 261 / 88 44 66
Christian Nielinger
Fotografie und Gestaltung
Frankenstraße 122 (Innenhof)
45134 Essen
Articus und Röttgen
Koblenzer Str. 31
56656 Brohl-Lützing
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