Stephan Spies
- Lawyer
- Specialist solicitor in insolvency law
- Partner
Stephan Spies is practicing in the areas of insolvency law, corporate law and construction law.
He focuses on the advice of companies, shareholders and managing directors in critical situations and assists with corporate restructuring. Before joining Martini Mogg Vogt, he was active in insolvency administration, acted as an official receiver and navigated companies through difficult phases as a Chief Restructuring Officer.
Besides, he advises both companies and individuals on construction law matters.
Stephan Spies advises and represents clients in the following areas:
- Management liability
- Disputes among shareholders
- Incorporation and transfer of enterprises
- Early detection of crises and development of restructuring concepts
- Preparation of insolvency filings
- Assistance in insolvency proceedings
- Insolvency plans, self-administration, insolvency administration
- Contestation of claims in insolvency proceedings
- Design of contracts under insolvency law
- Securities and loans
- Criminal proceedings in connection with insolvency
- Forced administration
- Private construction law and litigation
Stephan Spies is a member of the insolvency law and restructuring committee of the German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein).

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